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2011 February 10

Javaday has changed, it is now Codemotion

For four years running, Javaday Roma has been the only event of its kind in Italy in terms of content, participants and enthusiasm. Year after year, the exciting atmosphere of Javaday has won over participants and sponsors. To keep being a top draw for developers, Javaday has evolved to become Codemotion.
Codemotion takes Javaday a giant step further: it’s open to all languages and technologies, becoming a catalyst for more creativity and more job opportunities. Everyone can reap the benefits of the new, broader focus: from one product (Java, once Sun, now Oracle) to the entire field of programming.

What is Codemotion?

Codemotion is the evolution of Javaday Roma and will held on Saturday, March 5, 2011 in Rome. During the event, participants can take part in an intensive morning of talks followed by an afternoon for technical sessions and the presentation of innovative ideas and technical workshops.

Codemotion marks a huge step forward compared to Javaday: it is open to all languages and technologies, drawing together even more sources of creativity and job opportunities. Finally, shift in focus from one product to an entire discipline means that everyone wins.

Key features :

  • The Codemotion programme is defined by a public Call for Papers open to all. Proposals are selected by representatives of official Italian communities for each different language as well as for software development.
  • Participants looking for new career opportunities may submit their CVs to Codemotion sponsors at the event.
  • A fast-paced morning of technical talks followed by two sessions of Ignite in the afternoon are on the day’s program.
  • A competition to award the best in innovative ideas developed by young university students from all over Italy is currently in the works.
  • Launch of new products

Entrance to the event is, as always, free of charge.

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